Spiritual Awakening: a path to enlightenment – Ebook

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The English version of the book “Spiritual Awakening: a path to enlightenment”, Sannyasin Bayaty tells how his spiritual initiation took place, his journey into a spirituality independent of traditions or religious sects, in search of enlightenment. Bayaty’s experiences can help you follow your own independent spiritual path.


The English version of the book “Spiritual Awakening: a path to enlightenment”, Sannyasin Bayaty tells how his spiritual initiation took place, his journey into a spirituality independent of traditions or religious sects, in search of enlightenment. Bayaty’s experiences can help you follow your own independent spiritual path.

She tells of her mystical experiences with meditations, astral travel, prophetic dreams, mediumship, communications with spirits, capturing energies, dealing with negative energies, her work with the masters of the White Brotherhood and the transmutation of energies, the mental planes and the akashas, their past lives, angels, miracles and the encounter with the twin soul.
The author explains how she followed a spiritual path independent of traditions or religious sects, having received Sannyas, in the line of Maestro Osho, becoming thus in Sannyasin Bayaty.

My objective with this book is to motivate you to follow your own spiritual path, to carry out your own spiritual initiation, in a free and independent way, bearing in mind that each person is a unique and special individual in themselves (Sannyasin Bayaty).
According to the conception of Maestro Osho, sannyas is a movement of seekers of truth, who seek to live life in its entirety, through meditation, in search of enlightenment. In India, sannyas are a type of spiritual revival or baptism, in which a person receives a new name with a special meaning, normally offered by a maestro as a gift for his new life. With sannyas the person begins to dedicate himself to spirituality as a priority, using his experiences in the physical world as a means for his transcendence and enlightenment.

Bayaty presents us with her extrasensory experiences, such as meditation, mediumship, hypnosis, transmutation, regression and astral projection, and how she uses these resources to solve problems and expand her awareness.

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